Minerva Legal

Our Expertise

~ Admiralty and Maritime Law ~

We pride ourselves in providing strategic and pragmatic legal guidance, which is client-focused by bridging legal need and legal solution.

The carriage of goods by sea is indispensable to the global movement of goods in international trade and trumps all other modes of transport in terms of volume and weight.

We understand the challenges involved in doing business and navigating the complex issues of the maritime industry. As a team, we have the breadth of experience in diverse areas of law and the unique ability to deal with any shipping-related matter, from the most complex structured finance to anti-competitive actions, from ship conversion disputes to offshore disputes and any dispute arising at any stage of the transport and trading chain, and from the current environmental regulation to the digitalization of the entire industry.

Whether you are a ship owner, vessel builder, charterer, trader, insurer, operator, stevedores, classification society, non-vessel-owning common carriers or financier; our multijurisdictional insight and cross-sector understanding of the complex nature of admiralty and maritime law places us in a great position to offer pragmatic, commercially-focused advice.

We provide effective enforcement measures including but not limited to ship arrests, liens, freezing orders and emergency court procedures.

In non-contentious matters, we advise on and draft user agreements, time and voyage charter party contracts and related standard terms and conditions, ship sales and purchases, ship and bareboat registration, shipbuilding contracts, ship title search and documentations, collateral management agreement, registration and notation of mortgages, and marine insurance.

We work in conjunction with lawyers in our insurance, energy, and natural resources practice areas to provide cross-sector support to those who rely on, support, and facilitate marine transportation.