Minerva Legal


Accessibility Policy

The Statement

Minerva Legal is committed to ensuring that information and resources on its website are accessible to the widest possible audience. On this page we outline our commitment to making our online services accessible and explain the accessibility features of this site.

Standards compliance

The website aims to conform to level “A” of the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. We are continuously reviewing and extending this website and acknowledge that maintaining an accessible site is an ongoing process. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us >>

Increasing the text size

We have used style sheets throughout, and users can increase or decrease the size of the text by using the browser ‘Text Size’ options in the ‘View’ menu.


In many cases we have provided an HTML version of PDFs on this website, however if you would like to use a screen reader to read PDF documents, you can find out more at the Adobe Products website.